9kW HLT Brewery Heater
9kW 2.25″BSP Brass Screwplug 22″ Immersed Length 1 stat pocket Industrial Immersion Heater
9kW HLT Brewery Heater specifications:
- Fully UK manufactured, to exactingly high standards, from high quality component parts (resistance coil wire, magnesium oxide, tubing & electrical connections) then assembled by highly skilled technicians & top CNC machinery.
- Immersed length of 550mm or 22″
- 2.25″BSP screwplug
- 240v Single Phase or 415v 3 phase
- 150mm or 6″ inactive or cold end
- 9.1 w/cm² or 59w/in² (The lower the better) watt density
- Alloy IP67 terminal enclosures, dimensions – 120mm diameter x 105mm height.
- 3 x Incoloy 800 (“a superior stainless steel”) 8mm diameter 1KW 40” elements.
- Elements brazed into screwplug.
- Complete with Tig welded incolloy 800 11″ thermowell. This will house any of our 11″ thermostats.
Please call Jamie on 01827 215684 to discuss your 9kW HLT Brewery heater needs.
Or if you absolutely insist on buying online, please don’t forget the stat to control and / or cutout.
- Control only – 5-80°C or 45 -120°C.
- Control & Failsafe Cutout – Control 8-65°C, Cutout @ 90°C – Horizontal Fit (Thru the Side) or Vertical fit (Thru top or bottom of vessel).
- Cutout only – Settable between 45-95°C.
A full description and explanation of the component parts of a screwed immersion heater is available here on our blog. Also available is information about how best to choose an immersion heater for water, oil, and breweries. Also available is an informational entry about the process we go through when designing immersion heaters, generally.
Useful 9kW HLT Brewery Heater Background information.
Industrial Heating elements are a resistance coil wire (producing heat), encased in magnesium oxide (the white powder, compacted by rolling down from 10mm to 8mm, for protection of wire & insulation purposes, bizarrely) encased in a usually stainless steel tube. For more detailed written explanation, click here. For a video explanation by some bloke with a really boring voice, click above.

Just for clarification, an Immersion Heater (see below) is 3 such elements (as image above) on a screwplug with a terminal box housing the connections. Cuz we all speak diffrent!
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