Welcome to Brewery Heaters UK. If you’re looking for HLT Heaters, Copper Heaters, or removeable hygenic flange heaters, then you’ve come to the right place. Not only for the best products at excellent prices, but Jamie is renowned for high quality advice, support and service that are all a cut above. See Testimonials at the foot of the page. And yes, they are all kosher! Please feel free to add to them by clicking these links for Google, TrustPilot & FaceBook.

Brewery Heaters UK is part of the Immersion Heaters UK Ltd group, encompassing this websites, Heating Elements UK, and Flanged Immersion Heaters UK. Feel free to visit our sister sites for specifics, but all Brew Heater related content can be found here via menus top & left.
If you’d like to put a face to the voice on the fone, then click Jamie Bristoll..
If you’d like to know a little bit more detail as to what an immersion heater actually is, click Immersion Heater Description.
Here at Brewery Heaters UK, we specialise in supplying exclusively to the brewing and distilling industry. Many of our customers are small-to-medium-sized breweries, and we take great pleasure in supplying them with the optimum products for their needs. But our focus is always in helping every customer, from whatever sector, to find exactly what they need, so that they can concentrate on what they do best.
Screwed Brewery Heaters UK Options.
For your HLT, just heating liquor/water, our looped 8mm elements on the ii Range squeeze a lot of element into the available space, thus keeping the watt density lower. Lower watt density = better, as less calcium and magnesium (hard water) stick.

For the Kettle / Copper, that element “Bundle” really wouldn’t work, as it’d be a bugger to clean. So, the Bi Range have 10mm Ubent elements, with nice big gaps between the elements. Hopefully making them easier to clean at the end of the brew day.

Removable Brewery Heaters UK Options
Variously known as DN, DIN, Hygenic Flange, Tri-Clover Clamp, Withdrawable, and likely many more. These heaters are wiggled in, as opposed to screwed. This has benefits in terms of available shapes of elements. It may also restrict you, depending on where your walls are?! These are at least double the price of a screwed heater, but enable easy cleaning. If you are diligent in your cleaning duties, it would be like fitting new heaters every time. Click here for more info, including Niall at Third Barrel Brewing and his creativity.

Collaborative Brewery Heaters UK Options
I want to Collaborate with good people like Niall. I just left Third Barrel a Google 5-star review. Simple things that hopefully enable good people to rise and the “less good” to sink. I want to talk to you brewers, bounce ideas about, think outside the box. If we want something different, we gotta do something different. And just because cleaning the Copper’s elements has always been a shitty end to the day, doesn’t mean it always has to be. Removable DN Heaters are great, but expensive. And few brewers are rich enough, due to the ‘orrible amounts you have to contribute to HMRC and the demise of the pub as hub of the community. I have ideas, and have put my money where my mouth is, by giving one of these…

…free of charge for Alex and Nathan at Green Duck Brewery to play with. My thinking was that “splayed” elements would be easier to access for cleaning. I shall find out when they get me in the wellies and cleaning them soon. More fotos, videos and feedback soon (10/3/23)
I have other ideas, and want to run them past you experienced brewers. Particularly keen to liaise with someone with big vessels, 1.5m or bigger. Call me on 01827 215684 for a chat. All experimental designs will be cheap or free. I like win-wins, and they don’t get much better than the Holy Grail of an economical improvement to the end of the brew day.
Useful Information.
On this site, you will not only find an online catalogue of our core range of products, you’ll find tips and advice and guidance, as well as links to other resources to make your life easier, including our heating calculators. I know when these go down, cos brewers from all over the world contact me to let me know, as they use the Calcs to figure out what time to start heat up in the middle of the night, so it’s all up to temperature when they arrive in the morning. I’d love to make an app for that, if you have the know-how and wish to Collaborate?
On our blog, ElementsOfHeating there is lots of relevant and useful information, such as an explanation of what a heating element actually is, a full description and explanation of the component parts of a screwed immersion heater. My best attempt at explaing what is watt density. Also available is information about hhttps://elementsofheating.wordpress.com/2012/10/04/what-is-a-heating-element/ow best to choose an immersion heater for water, oil, and breweries. Also available is an informational entry about the process we go through when designing immersion heaters generally.
On our YouTube channel we have videos showing how to wire an immersion heater, explanation of what a heating element is, and a 2 minute explanation of what an immersion heater is.
Useful Immersion Heater Background information.
Industrial Heating elements are a resistance coil wire (producing heat), encased in magnesium oxide (the white powder, compacted by rolling down from 10mm to 8mm, for protection of wire & insulation purposes, bizarrely) encased in a usually stainless steel tube. For more detailed written explanation, click here. For a video explanation by some bloke with a really boring “Mercian” accent, click this link. Or visit our YouTube Channel.

Just for clarification, an Immersion Heater (see below) is 3 such elements (as image above) on a screwplug with a terminal box housing the connections. Cuz we all speak diffrent! What is an Immersion Heater video available.
Even more Useful Stuff.
BSP Screwplug sizing causes much consternation, so click here for the full shilling BlogPost on ElementsOfHeating, or here for the same info within this website, but hopefully this suffices for most –
Circumference mm |
0.25” | 0.518 | 41 | ||
1/2 | 0.825 | 66 | ||
5/8 | 0.902 | 72 | ||
3/4 | 1.041 | 83 | ||
7/8 | 1.189 | 95 | ||
1 |
104 | ||
1 & 1/4 | 1.650 | 39.5 | 41.5 | 131 |
1 & 1/2 | 1.882 | 44.8 | 47.7 | 150 |
1 & 3/4 | 2.116 | 51.2 | 53.5 | 168 |
2 | 2.347 | 57.5 | 59.2 | 187.2 |
2 &1/4 | 2.537 | 62.5 | 65.4 | 206.4 |
2 & 1/2 | 2.95 | 72.4 | 74.9 | 236.2 |
We hope you find the site intuitive & easy to use, and if you have any suggestions, feedback or corrections, please contact us at IMMHTR@gmail.com or on 01827 215684. Always open to new learning!
Thanks for taking the time to visit.